Wind is our power Wind is our future
wpe research & development

We are pleased to share the news that our project, EOS-Turbowind, has been selected to participate in the NATO – DIANA CHALLENGE 2023 program. This outstanding opportunity will allow us to further accelerate our project in the micro-wind sector.
The DIANA call for proposals involved start-ups from 31 NATO countries, with a panel of academic experts, government representatives, and business leaders evaluating the competing proposals. Thanks to the DIANA program, we will have access to a growth pathway through eleven accelerators and more than ninety test centers in Atlantic Alliance countries.
In particular, we will explore new opportunities for the application of our microturbine in the defense and security sector, contributing to autonomy and energy resilience in emergency situations. We are grateful to DIANA for recognizing the potential of our project and offering us the opportunity to realize our vision.

WPE Research & Development
We are a group of Italian entrepreneurs with a multidisciplinary technical expertise who think that big problems can be solved with small gestures. This is why we designed EOS Turbowind, a microturbine which everybody can install to supply clean energy to their buildings.
What is peculiar about it? It is a turnkey product with 30% performance improvement over state of the art technology, as demonstrated by our tests, which have been performed in collaboration with the most renowned academic and industrial actors in the wind energy sector.
A small wind turbine with higher capturability
Our technology introduces the innovative concept of capturability, that is the capacity to capture wind power over a period of time. In fact the unique combination of mechanics and artificial intelligence allows our smart turbine to exploit wind optimal energy production curve in all possible environmental scenarios, being them cities or isolated locations.
Our target is to obtain a solution with a clear added value. A reasonable investment can allow our clients to own and manage their green power plants: this means independence, affordability and strong acceleration towards energy transition and building decarbonization.

Our turbines are produced entirely from recyclable materials, such as aluminium, corrosion-resistant alloy and stainless steel.
The blade profiles are made of recycled PET reinforced with fiberglass or laminated wood composite.

Wind, Energy, Efficiency,
You name it
we will capture it.
Head Office
Padova, Italy
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